You Donā€™t Really Need A Protein Powder. Hereā€™s Why.

Uncategorized Sep 04, 2021

by Jenny Jiles

Everyone’s sliding into my DMs with this FAQ: What protein powder should I buy? 

First of all, since when did all of us basic bitches need protein powder?  Are we body builders for Muscle and Fitness magazine now? Maybe you’ve noticed the enormous jugs of protein powders lining the shelves of Kroger, and not just the Vitamin Depot anymore.  But it seems to me we’re in a bit of a CrossFit rabbit hole, and maybe we just need a reasonable amount of protein to stay healthy, grow our cells, and maybe a tad more if we’re super active or breastfeeding. More on that here.

So, to answer that FAQ? You don’t need a protein powder.

Here’s why.

Most protein powders on the market today are just a long list of poor-quality fillers, gums, glyphosate laced ingredients with added sugar or the overpowering flavor of natural stevia, with some form of protein ground up into a powder. 


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7 Hacks To Stop Yourself From Eating All Your Quarantine Snacks In One Sitting

Uncategorized Sep 04, 2021

by Jenny Jiles

Between keeping the copious piles of laundry out of sight in our Zoom meetings, to pretending we “know things” in front of our kids as we pretend to homeschool them, now we’ve got to deal with being surrounded with salty, crunchy non-perishables during the single most stressful time in most of our lives.

We’re all in somewhat different versions of quarantine, depending on where we’re located, and who we’re quarantined with for hours, days, weeks, gulp, months. For some of us, figuring out how to not eat all the snacks is a priority because:

  1. We literally are being told not to enter a grocery store.

  2. Our budgets are tight and in flux.

  3. We can’t fit into our newly-purchased Instagram impulse loungewear.

 Here are a few new ideas to help you limit your snack habit, if you want help with that. If you’re golden on that topic, can you call me and tell me your secret?


1. Plan your snacks.

Just like you plan...

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How To Make Spicy Cashew Sauce

Uncategorized Sep 04, 2021

Servings: 1 cup | Prep Time: 4+ hours because of soaking time; blending dressing takes 60 seconds | Ingredients: 7

You will no longer miss sour cream once you make this new creamy companion. It’s hard not to just eat it out of the blender, but if you can resist, I recommend adding it to your tacos or taco salad. The hardest part of this recipe is just remembering to soak your cashews. So, just don’t forget that step. If you don’t remember, then soak them for 5 minutes in boiling water and that will help soften them for blending smooth. I know that “soaking cashews” sounds like Hades, but once you try this, you’ll see it’s worth it.




  • 1 cup raw cashews, soaked in water for at least 4 hours, and then drained

  • 1/2 cup water + more to thin if necessary

  • 1/4 cup fresh lime juice

  • 1 clove garlic

  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin

  • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon fine...

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Don't Buy Bottled Dressing. You're Better Than That.

Uncategorized Sep 04, 2021

by Jenny Jiles

This is not a shame article. We’re in a pandemic. Do whatever you need to do. But in my food-coaching, I see people buying bottled dressings mostly because they don’t realize how truly sugary and generally bad-for-you the ingredients are. But more importantly, I also see how homemade dressing gets a bad wrap, when in fact it can be easy and fast and wildly delicious.

But first, let’s begin with the shaming. Jokes!


1. Bottled dressings are usually made with poor quality oils.

If you were going to make salad dressing, you would make it with good quality oil. You would never go buy canola oil to make dressing. That’s because it’s flavorless and requires more added junk and sugar to make it remotely decent tasting. Not to mention, low quality oils are usually highly processed and less nutrient-dense.


2. They’re riddled with gross fillers.

If you really knew what that dressing looked like in a clear bottle without...

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How To Become A Legitimately Good Home Cook With These 11 Hacks

Uncategorized Sep 04, 2021

by Jenny Jiles

We’re all cooking more than ever, but we’re also mentally, physically, and emotionally burnt out, and tired of eating the same pantry pasta 4 nights in a row. But, you can seriously improve your at-home meals with a few simple tweaks that aren’t master chef-level skills. In fact, all you need are a few game changing hacks that will give you more confidence in the kitchen and make cooking 53% easier.


1. Store herbs like flowers.

We buy herbs with the best intentions to use them, but they wilt in most refrigerators. Store them in a jar with water like fresh flowers, and keep the jar in the fridge. Drape your green produce bag from the store (this will help you feel better about not bringing your own bags to the store, too) loosely over the top of them and they’ll stay in the fridge for up to two weeks. Fresh herbs level up any dish. You have my word.


2. Use kitchen shears for herbs.

Use kitchen shears (fancy word for...

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7 New Breakfast Ideas To Try If Your Home Is In Chaos Right Now

Uncategorized Jan 06, 2021

fruit salad on gray bowls

 by Jenny Jiles

These days, breakfast is more of a nice idea than a meal rooted in actual time and schedules. We’re used to shoving a banana in our kids’ hands while grabbing some egg bites from Starbucks on our way to work. But now we supposedly “have the time to cook” even though we also feel busier and more exhausted than ever. So breakfast feels like both a necessity to feed our families and also one more insurmountable task we now have to juggle with everything else.

But, I have a few morning hacks to help you create a decent, low sugar, nutrient rich, satisfying breakfast whenever you’re ready for it. These can be thrown together while you’re simultaneously working/parenting/teaching or even if you’re sleeping in until noon because time no longer means anything!


1. While You Sleep: Muesli/Overnight Oats

Simply add your favorite alt milk (almond, coconut) to ½ cup of rolled oats and 2 tablespoons of chia seeds....

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Sugar Is Making You Look Old. Here Are 7 Low-Key Ways To Replace It.

Uncategorized Jan 06, 2021

Originally posted on The Candidly

dylan-lu-0_5NwRGXOwQ-unsplash (1).jpg

by Jenny Jiles


“But I don’t even eat that much sugar!” Says every person, ever.

Even if you’re not ending each night with a slice of chocolate cake, you might still be unintentionally eating sugar throughout your day— in your almond milk latte, low-fat yogurt with granola, salad dressing, tea, grab & go energy bar, that small handful of chocolates, and scavenging the last bites of your kids’ nuggets. Almost every packaged food has an atrocious amount of sugar. And sugar is the devil. Not like other trendy wellness foods or ingredients. Sugar is actually poison.

And the average American eat 17 grams of sugar a day.

So like, try to eat less of it because it’s actually making you sick. But if you R E A L L Y want information that’s going to actually change your behavior, here it is:

Sugar is making you look old.

Don’t believe me? Well, here’s what the experts have to...

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How To Lovingly Coerce Your Children Into Eating Vegetables

Uncategorized Jan 06, 2021


by Jenny Jiles


The word itself gets you excited, no? I think we all perk up imagining grabbing exactly what we want, to eat anywhere we want. Another pleasure field, the charcuterie board or a wedding buffet. The freedom of picking and choosing exactly what I want to nosh on, with no formal dinner time rules or table manners is near orgasmic. Me, just sitting on my kitchen counter, nibbling on a few things in peace, thrills me beyond belief.

I am not alone in this.

We all love to graze. Kids included. So why are we expecting kids to sit patiently at dinner time and eat their vegetables. It’s ludicrous. Most of us are letting our kids eat empty, nutrient lacking carbs and added sugar throughout the day, waiting for the pinnacle dinner time meal to erase all the bad habits. If you are waiting until dinner to get in all their vegetable requirements for the day (2 cups are ideal), you failed. You and your kids don’t need...

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How To Make Your Kids Eat Less Crap

Uncategorized Jan 06, 2021

by Jenny Jiles

Do you know how many times I have told my kid to “Just try it!”. I know you know, because you’ve said it a thousand times too.  We’ve pressured, and bribed and read every article on how to politely and kindly and not too traumatically, coerce our kids into anything besides bread or crackers or pasta and butter.

This is the never ending game we play three plus times a day with our kids, and we want to win. Bad. We’ll do anything.  We’ll play dirty too. We’ll think by adding spinach to those morning muffins they won’t notice. Rookie move. They have us right where they want us too, because they have no plans of eating our food trickery. They also know that with every “No, I don’t like them,'' they're one step closer to getting that toast. They know that our exhaustion and frustration from making another failed, healthy meal attempt is slowly deteriorating our brains cells and...

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Why you don't need a protein powder

Uncategorized Jan 06, 2021

brown powder

by Jenny Jiles

 Everyone’s sliding into my DMs with this FAQ: What protein powder should I buy? 

First of all, since when did all of us basic bitches need protein powder?  Are we body builders for Muscle and Fitness magazine now? Maybe you’ve noticed the enormous jugs of protein powders lining the shelves of Kroger, and not just the Vitamin Depot anymore.  But it seems to me we’re in a bit of a CrossFit rabbit hole, and maybe we just need a reasonable amount of protein to stay healthy, grow our cells, and maybe a tad more if we’re super active or breastfeeding. More on that here.

So, to answer that FAQ? You don’t need a protein powder.

Here’s why.

Most protein powders on the market today are just a long list of poor-quality fillers, gums, glyphosate laced ingredients with added sugar or the overpowering flavor of natural stevia, with some form of protein ground up into a powder. 


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